Why To Blow Dry Strawberries After Purchasing Them

Health Benefits of Consuming Strawberries

There are multiple benefits that you can reap on enjoying your delicious strawberries. Strawberry helps to maintain heart health by improving cholesterol and by improving blood pressure. It may also help in reducing oxidative stress, help in regulating blood sugar level, and decreases inflammation in the body. Now you certainly have a lot of reason to include these healthy red strawberries in your diet.


Now comes the Trick

Well, we all know how necessary it is to wash the fruits that we bring to our home. From farm to market and fruit vendors to home, these fruits go through so many hands and situations like storage, transportation, etc. It becomes very crucial to wash them keeping in mind hygiene and health. But sometimes on washing these fruits moisture leaves behind that make the strawberries soft, mushy, and even give space to bacteria to get breed on the fruit. You just have to apply this quick and easy trick to keep strawberries in their healthy state. And guess what it is Blow-Dry Strawberries. Just remove the green leafy crown from the top and rinse strawberries properly. Now place them on tissue paper or paper towel to absorb the extra liquid. Next comes the trick! Blow-dry the strawberries for 30 seconds at the lowest setting and put them in the fridge afterward. This step would help to keep this fruit fresh & juicy for a long time.

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