Every week, we’re spotlighting a opposite food blogger who’s jolt adult a blogosphere with tantalizing recipes and knockout photography. Below, Danielle Oron of I Will Not Eat Oysters shares a tawny pasta plate delicately polished over a march of a decade.
When we was in high school, my best crony and we motionless to prepare a cooking for a boyfriends. we know, cute. The usually thing was that we had never attempted creation some-more than usually some Kraft macaroni and cheese. The menu consisted of a vast salad, duck parm, garlic bread, and tawny asparagus pasta. It was an complete disaster. The usually thing that was succulent was a pasta. we didn’t know it then, though we was onto something big.
I used a package of peppers Boursin to make a pasta sauce. It was so delicious. Creamy, it hugged a pasta so well. It was as if Boursin was indeed a starter for a tawny pasta sauce. Someone strike them! They need to change their selling direction.
After years of creation this pasta salsa for a elementary and lush weeknight dinner, we feel like it’s unequivocally been perfected. Peas are so uninformed and honeyed right now, a best further to a pasta. You can also find a bag of uninformed peas during Trader Joe’s. Instead of a peppers Boursin, that is roughly unfit to find for some reason, we felt a garlic and excellent spices chronicle was ideal for this dish. It adds so most abyss with usually one ingredient. The contrariety between a tawny garlic Boursin salsa and a honeyed peas is divine. The shells are a ideal vessel for them. The peas and salsa fill a shells, any punch is filled with so most flavor. The further of lemon liking to finish a plate adds a liughtness and pointed acidity. And if you’re like me, you’ll supplement a ton of uninformed black peppers for a strike of spice.
Serves 4
1 bruise (454 gram) middle shells
1 package (5.2 unit or 150 gram) Garlic Fine Herb Boursin
1 ½ cups uninformed peas (frozen are excellent too)
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon fresh black pepper
Zest of 1 lemon
Bring a vast pot of pickled H2O to a boil over high heat. Add a shells and prepare until usually al-dente. They will to continue to prepare in a sauce. Reserve 1 crater of pasta cooking water. Drain a shells.
In a vast sauté vessel over medium-high heat, supplement a 1 crater of pasta cooking H2O and a Boursin. Break adult a cheese as it melts. Simmer a salsa for about one minute. Add a peas and a shells to a vessel and stir. Cook for about a notation until a salsa has thickened around a shells and a peas are baked through. Stir in a salt and peppers and ambience for seasoning.
Plate shells and ornament with a lemon liking and uninformed black pepper. Enjoy
Image Source: Unsplash