Wow! Try Using Banana Peel For Wrinkles

Banana Peel for Wrinkle

Don’t throw banana peel after eating banana as it can be a used for reducing wrinkles

What we do after eating banana? We just throw the banana peel in the bin. However, banana peel can be used for various uses that you might not be aware of and thoughtful of this overlooked by product of fruit.  This can be used from your kitchen cleaning to your makeup routine. Just give a try to banana peel for wrinkle and you can see the results by yourself.

How does Banana peel works for wrinkles?

Banana peel is rich in numerous vitamins like Vitamin A, B, E and C. It has many minerals like potassium, manganese, iron and zinc. These vitamins and minerals helps to reduce the dark and old acne marks from skin and helps to achieve wrinkle free and acne free skin.  Not only the essential vitamin and minerals are there in banana peel but a very important antioxidant called Lutein is also present in it. Lutein helps in preventing skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays of sun. High amount of esterified fatty acids are present in banana peel that are difficult to find usually and are used as one of the basic ingredient in many of the patent lotions. Banana peel helps to keep skin hydrated from inside and gives fuller and softer look from outside. Peel of banana can be useful to achieve younger looking and naturally clear skin.

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How to use it?

  • Adding banana peel to beauty regime is very easy and time saving. You can quickly use it for your personal skin care routine by simply following below mentioned steps-


  • Before using peel it is crucial to prepare your skin first. Use a mild cleanser to get rid of dust and oil particles present in the depth of skin. Don’t use scrub as it can be harsh for your skin especially when are have acne on face.


  • Now take a ripe banana and remove its peel, cut this peel into pieces and start rubbing the inner part of your peel directly to your face skin in circular motion.


  • Keep checking the inside part of banana peel as it can turn to black in color from inside. Till not you can rub the peel. If the peel turns black, please replace it with the new one.


  • Keep this banana peel layer on the skin at least for 4-5 hours. At this time, your skin absorbs all the essential nutrients and moisture of the banana peel. (You can also follow this step before going to sleep so that the banana peel layer stay on the face for overnight and can wash face in the morning).


  • Rinse your face with running water properly.


  • Add it in your daily routine to get the best results.

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