How to get rid of it blackheads? Put an egg on face

  • Egg White & Honey Paste

Break one egg and separate its egg white part. Beat the egg white part using a spoon/fork separately in a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon honey into it and mix it properly. Apply this paste with the help of a brush all over the face. Keep it on the face till it gets dry. Peel the mask gently and wash your face with fresh water. Repeat this process 2 times a week to clean out blackheads and get a beautiful look.

  • Egg White with Green Tea Face pack

Prepare one cup of green tea and leave it at room temperature to cool down. Break an egg, separate its egg white part and whisk it thoroughly. Now mix it with green tea to make a smooth paste, and apply it to the face using a brush. Let it dry completely and peel it off carefully once your skin starts feeling stretchy. Now rinse your face with fresh running water. Repeat this process 2 times weekly.

  • Egg white & Baking Soda

Separate the egg white part of an egg in a bowl, and whisk it thoroughly. Make a thick paste of baking soda in another bowl using water. Now mix baking soda paste with whisked egg white together. Apply this mixture on your face and give massage for 5 minutes. Keep it on your face for another 10 minutes and rinse it with running water. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week to get desired results.