Just try these 5 tips for beautiful & long eyelashes

  • Proper Eye Cleaning

To get long, and lush eyelashes, you need to take proper care of them. This means every time you put on the eye makeup just remembers to remove it before sleeping using the oil-based cleanser. Also, you must try splashing water in your eyes at least two times a day, it not only relaxes the muscles surrounding your eyes but also cleans up the eyelashes.

  • Use Eyelash Serum

Eyelash serums are formulas made up of growth-enhancing constituents which helps in making the eyelashes long and beautiful. These serums need to be used regularly. In spite of buying expensive eyelash serums from the market, you can try making one for your own at home by simply combining 1 tsp of castor oil, 1 tsp of emu oil, ½ tsp of coconut oil, and 2 capsules of Vitamin E oil. To use it, just take one drop of it onto your finger and massage it into the lash line, keep it overnight and wash your face in the morning.

  • Avoid waterproof Mascara

For healthy long eyelashes, you need to avoid using waterproof mascara. The more you rub your eyes to remove them the more you’ll cause damage your eyelashes. So, it’s better to avoid mistake of using waterproof eye products.

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